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Why your website needs an event page designed for effective Marketing

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event page design

By Karen Oliver

In today’s competitive market, designing a dedicated event page for your website can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. Here’s why an events page is essential and how we successfully designed one for our client Tandem Property Asset Management Ltd.

  1. Establishes Authority: Showcase your industry expertise by highlighting past events, seminars, and webinars. For Tandem Property Asset Management, we featured events their like “Driving ESG in Property Management,” demonstrating their leadership in the property sector.
  2. Builds Trust and Credibility: Documenting your involvement in industry events reassures clients and partners of your commitment to excellence. We included detailed event descriptions and dates to emphasise Tandem Property Asset Management’s reliability and active participation in key discussions.
  3. Increases Engagement: An engaging events page encourages visitors to learn more about your company. We introduced a full-screen hero video on Tandem Property Asset Management’s page to capture attention and invite exploration.
  4. Enhances Branding: An events page is a visual testament to your brand’s activities and values. By maintaining Tandem Property Asset Management’s existing theme while integrating modern design elements, we created a fresh yet consistent look that reinforces their brand identity.
  5. Boosts SEO: Regular updates to your events page can improve SEO, driving more organic traffic to your site. Our design for Tandem Property Asset Management ensures the content is relevant and frequently updated, enhancing their online presence.
  6. Supports Promotion of Upcoming Events: An events page serves as an effective advertising tool for upcoming events, providing easy access to information and registration. We included clear contact channels to facilitate user enquiries and registrations for future events.


Tandem's event page design

Event Page Design UX

  • Full-Screen Hero Video: Engages visitors immediately and sets the tone.
  • Consistent Aesthetic: Aligns with Tandem Property Asset Management’s brand for a cohesive look.
  • Detailed Summaries: Provides valuable insights into past events, highlighting expertise.
  • Modern Visuals: Combines traditional elements with modern design for enhanced appeal.
  • Clear Call to Action: Buttons to steer users to sign up or find out more.

past event page design

In summary, an event page design is a crucial tool for effective marketing, offering numerous benefits from establishing authority to boosting SEO or encouraging sign up. Our redesign for Tandem Property Asset Management exemplifies how a well-crafted events page can elevate your brand and engage your audience.

For more insights on our design projects, visit our portfolio.

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